With the intention of offering an alternative point of view, I would like to invite you to read this ebook, Stradella Xtensions by Evan Perry-Giblin, former owner of Brooklyn Bellows.
It is a resource that both beginner and advanced players can benefit from. You can either use it as an eBook or print it out.
The diagrams in the book also offer an alternative perspective to AccordionChords.com instead of being mirrored and vertical, they are “flat” and horizontal, similar to the Palmer-Hughes series.

For beginners, the eBook offers concise information as it relates to the accordion. The first three chapters are:
- Music Theory
- Exercises
- Walkthroughs
Again these all deal specifically with the Stradella system accordion and what you need to know to fully understand what is going on in the left hand. It starts small and builds up each chapter.
For more advanced players there are many diagrams of chord-types as they are played in the Fundamental and Counter bass positions. These include Maj6, min6, Maj7, min7, 9, min9 augmented, half-dim, dim7, flat-9, etc.
Perhaps the most important section is the last which is called “Contexts”.
This is where you learn the utility of playing chord extensions, and solidify your playing technique.
Even by learning the basic “ii -V -I” progression, you open yourself up to playing a huge selection of jazz standards, show tunes, pop, rock, funk, folk… really anything you can imagine!
(It’s a donationware eBook, so I invite you to consider the idea of leaving even just a little donation to its author as a sign of appreciation for his work.)

Thank you for the information how to get a Sus7 chord. It’s absolutely wonderful!!!! I’ve been playing accordion for over 45 years and I never came across and it’s so easy !!!! and so essential 🙂
I found you through looking at Denny Kremblas’ ‘The Counter Bass Minor Hack – Beginners Accordion Lesson’ youtube video. The A plus Cmaj giving me the Am7. Again amazing!!
Thank you.
Best, Liam
Hi Liam,
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! I’m thrilled to hear that you found the information on getting a Sus7 chord helpful. It’s always exciting to discover new techniques that are both easy and essential, especially after so many years of playing.
I’m glad you found your way here through Denny Kremblas’ video—his lessons are truly insightful. The A plus Cmaj giving an Am7 is indeed a neat trick!
Thanks again for your kind words and for being a part of our accordion community. If you have any other questions or tips to share, feel free to reach out.