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How to play a C#m(Maj9) chord on Accordion

    AKA: C#m(+7) add2, C#m(+7) add9, C#m(maj7) add2, C#m(maj7) add9, C#m(maj7/9), C#m(Δ9), C#m7+(9), C#min maj9, C#minorΔ9, C#minΔ9, C#mM7/9, C#mM9, C#mΔ add2, C#mΔ add9


    C#m(Maj9) Accordion Chord Chart


    C#m(Maj9) Accordion chord chart

    m(Maj9) Chords

    A m(Maj9) chord is a chord that consists of the root note, a minor 3rd, a perfect 5th, a major 7th, and a major 9th. You can build it also by stacking a minor 3rd on the root, then adding two major 3rd and a minor 3rd on each other.

    For example, a Cm(Maj9) chord is made up of the notes C, Eb, G, B, and D which are the root (C), the minor 3rd (Eb), the 5th (G), the major 7th (B) and the major 9th (D). Analyzing the intervals we can see that:

    • C-Eb is a minor 3rd,
    • Eb-G is a major 3rd,
    • G-B is a major 3rd
    • B-D is a minor 3rd.

    This type of chord is commonly used in jazz and other forms of modern music. It is a minor chord with the addition of a major 7th and a 9th intervals, giving it a unique and complex sound.

    m(Maj9) Chords on Accordion

    To play a Major 9th chord (Maj9) on a standard bass accordion, you can combine the root note and/or its minor chord with the Major chord built on the 5th interval.

    For example, the 5th of C is G. By combining C and/or C minor (C, Eb, G) with G Major (G, B, D), you get Cm(Maj9), which is made up of the notes C, Eb, G, B, and D.




    C#, E, G#, B#, D#
    (C#, E, G#, C, D#)


    R, m3°, 5°, 7°, 9°

    Left hand:

    C# + C#m + G#M
    (D♭ + D♭m + A♭M)


    4 + 2 + 3



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